Read about health requirements for new graduate students and learn more about your health and wellness resources while at Brown.
SAS coordinates and facilitates services for students with medical, physical, psychological, and learning disabilities and is available to meet with any student who may be wondering if they have a disability and seek accommodation.
Deadline: Upon acceptance
Visit the Applicant and Student section on Banner to submit a photo for your Brown Identification Card.
The University Bursar is responsible for handling all billing questions. For information, deadlines, or forms related to tuition, billing, payment plans and refund policies, please visit the Bursar’s website. See especially the student account and billing information and E-Bill and Payment Guide.
Complete the online course on Academic Code & Code of Student Conduct as soon as you receive the links in your Brown email.
Start the I-9 Form process (if you will be receiving a stipend), which can be initiated in Workday. If needed, see instructions for completing the I-9.
Check out the pages on Visitor Accommodations, Parking, Maps & Directions before you arrive.
As soon as you receive instructions to activate, or:
Check your personal email for instructions to activate your Brown account and email with your Brown ID number. For issues, see the IT Knowledgebase or contact the Office of Information Technology Service Center.
International Students
International numbers are acceptable and they should be entered with a + in front of the country code. If you don't plan to get a US cell phone once in the country, you can use the smartphone app (Duo Mobile) over wifi or without a connection.
Read Financing Graduate School and check out other resources at the Office of Financial Aid.
Graduate student housing applications through Auxiliary Housing open in Spring (generally March or April) for the following fall.
Watch a recording of the 2024 Incoming Student Housing Webinar hosted by the Graduate Student Council on Friday, May 3, 2024.
Read more about Brown University Graduate School: Deans and staff, governance, where we are on social media, and the Graduate Student Council.
Newly arrived students in Initial F-1 or J-1 status will need to complete and submit the “New Student Registration” request on the Requests and Documents Tab within their OISSS Gateway account to activate their F-1 or J-1 SEVIS record to maintain valid F/J Immigration status. See the Student Arrival Checklist for further steps upon arrival to campus.
If you are receiving funding from Brown, apply for a Social Security card; provide your Social Security number to the Payroll office.
Visit the Brown Card Office (check website for hours before going), Page-Robinson Hall, room 511. Learn about Brown ID Card services.
Deadline: August 31
Complete the forms online through the Workday.
Complete the I-9 Form process (if you will be receiving a stipend), which can be initiated in Workday before arriving on campus and completed at the HR Service Center, Page-Robinson Hall, room 213. If needed, see instructions for completing the I-9. Also, see a list of acceptable documents.
Meet the program leadership, administrators, and your advisor. Consult with your advisor prior to registering for courses.
The Childcare Subsidy award provides doctoral and MFA students up to $6,000 per child (up to 3 children), ages 0-6, per household and up to $3,000 per child age 7-13. Learn more.
Deadline: mid-October (look for a September announcement) for the following year. Applications received after the deadline will be accepted on a rolling basis.