To determine how the incentive policy will be implemented, funding can be broken down into monthly payment amounts. The following hypothetical Graduate School fellowship stipend amounts are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual standard fellowship stipend for a given year or program.
Annual Amounts
Base Graduate School fellowship stipend = $43,791.00
Maximum incentive supplement of 11.11% = $4,865.18
Incentive enhanced stipend (base fellowship stipend plus maximum incentive supplement ) = $48,656.18
*Annual stipend amounts are based on the fiscal year (July 1-June 30)
Monthly Amounts
Base Graduate School fellowship stipend = $3,649.25
Maximum incentive supplement of 11.11% = $405.43
Incentive enhanced stipend (base fellowship stipend plus maximum incentive supplement ) = $4,054.68 per month
There are four scenarios to consider (using the hypothetical monthly amounts listed above):
- If a student has external funding that is less than the maximum incentive supplement ($405.43 per month), the student will receive the external funding plus the full base Graduate School fellowship stipend. Their stipend will be more than the base Graduate School fellowship stipend, but not more than 111.11% of the base stipend.
- If a student has external funding that is more than the maximum incentive supplement ($405.43 per month) and less than the base Graduate School fellowship stipend ($3,649.25 per month), the student will receive the external funding, top up funding to make the monthly payment equal to the base Graduate School fellowship stipend, and the maximum incentive supplement of 11.11% ($405.43 per month). Their incentive enhanced stipend will be equal to 111.11% of the base Graduate School fellowship stipend.
- If a student has external funding that is more than the base Graduate School fellowship stipend ($3,649.25 per month) and less than the incentive enhanced stipend ($4,054.68 per month), the student will receive the external funding and an incentive supplement that brings their total incentive enhanced stipend equal to 111.11% of the base Graduate School fellowship stipend.
- If a student has external funding that is more than the incentive enhanced stipend ($4,054.68 per month), the student will receive the external funding with no additional Graduate School contribution. Their stipend will be more than 111.11% of the base Graduate School fellowship stipend and completely dependent on the amount of the external funding.
Note that some external funding awards may not line up with Brown’s monthly payment cycle or Academic Year cycle. If this is the case for your funding, or if you have other questions about the best option for your situation, please email