October 5-9 Graduate School at the Society for Neuroscience Conference
October 11 DAAD applications due at 4 pm (internal deadline)
October 15 Spring term Fellowship appointments and funding due to Graduate School via GSIM (doctoral and master's students). Non-Fellowship appointment (TA/RA/Proctor) entry deadline TBA
October 20-21 Fall Preview Day
October 31-November 3 Graduate School at the SACNAS Conference
November 2024
November 1 Deadline for students on leave to notify the Graduate School of a desire to return in the spring and to submit materials for readmission
November 13-16 Graduate School at the ABRCMS Conference
March 3 Deadline for DEP applications (submit through UFunds) for Humanities & Social Science students who will be beyond the sixth year (can also be submitted after this date to be reviewed on a rolling basis)
March 11 STEM Diversity and Inclusion Divisional Meeting
March 13 Humanities & Social Science Diversity and Inclusion Divisional Meeting
March 16-18 Doctoral Welcome Days (Super Monday - March 16-17; Humanities Tuesday - March 18)
March 21 Deadline for student applications for Deans' Faculty Fellowships (nominations and recommender forms due on March 28)
April 15 PhD and MFA admissions response date (admitted applicants must accept admissions offer by this date and cannot be asked to decide in advance of this date)
April 18 Deadline for May graduates to submit the Application to Graduate via Banner
May 2025
May 1 Thesis and dissertation submission deadline for May graduates
June 1 Fall appointments and departmental funding due to the Graduate School via GSIM (doctoral and master's)
June 1 Deadline for students on leave to notify the Graduate School of a desire to return in the fall and to submit materials for readmission
June 1* Doctoral Preview Day Application Opens
June TBA Deadline for submitting Summer Progress Evaluations and Standing Letters to GSIM
June TBA Deadline for each program to set online application deadline cutoff for next admission cycler and request application changes (e.g., requirements or program-specific questions)
June 30 Deadline for programs to communicate change in chair and DGS for next academic year
June 30 GSIM Appointment Management closed for changes for fiscal year end. Via GSIM: 1) Add and/or update progress evaluations in the current term with prior term performance 2) Update of milestones 3) Update advisors (current and prospective terms)
July 2025
June 22 Deadline for programs to communicate change in chair and DGS for next academic year
July TBA Banner-based Application to Graduate open to students who expect to complete in October (Registrar's requirement)
August-September 2025
August 1 Fall term bill due date
August 20-22* International Graduate Student Orientation
August 24-25* Graduate Student of Color Orientation
August 26-27* All-Student Orientation
August 28* Resource Fair
August 31 Deadline for entering Fall Progress Evaluations and uploading Standing Letters to GSIM