Graduate School

PhD 360: Community and Leadership

People build knowledge in community with others. Brown’s programs enable students to create community around common academic interests, identities, and values. These programs can also be opportunities for students to learn to lead.

In response to the recommendations of the Task Force on Anti-Black Racism, this pilot grant supports programs and initiatives across campus initiated by graduate students that chiefly support the Black diaspora in the Brown University community, but also work to address or benefit the Black diaspora in the greater Providence community and beyond.
The Swearer Center hosts several fellowships and work opportunities for graduate students. Please click the links below to learn more about current opportunities, application process, and deadlines. With questions regarding these opportunities, please contact Georgina Manok, Senior Director of Strategy and Assessment (

Other opportunities for community and leadership at Brown:

Graduate Student Coordinators in Campus Life Centers
The six identity centers within Brown’s Division of Campus Life hire Graduate Student Coordinators to focus programming and resources. Centers include: 

Graduate Student Organization Leadership
There are many opportunities for leadership and community building positions within both the Graduate Student Council and the nearly 30 approved graduate student groups on campus (please note this list may not be up to date, as it changes regularly).