Graduate School

Update on Campus Life Support for All Graduate Students

Dear Graduate Students,

We hope this finds you well considering the challenging circumstances. We are so sorry for the ongoing disruption to your semester and the stress that it has caused. We know it’s been difficult for you, and we’ve had to make some of the most challenging decisions of our careers in recent days. At the same time, we also really appreciate and value the acts of kindness and generosity we’ve witnessed that make us grateful to be a part of a caring community. It’s not easy, but we want you to know that Campus Life continues to work hard to support all of you. 

You will receive important communication from Campus Life and others at the University moving forward. Please read them carefully. We want to remind you of the resources that are available to all students, including graduate students, moving forward. We want you to access resources as you need them even if many may look and feel a bit different.

If you are not feeling well, contact Health Services at 401-863-1330 for 24/7 nursing advice. If you know a fellow student who is not feeling well, please encourage them to contact Health Services. Detailed information about when to self-isolate or seek medical care

Many of us have started thinking about what remote virtual community will look like moving forward. How do we maintain connections with each other? We want to help build virtual community with you; more information about that is coming soon. Our Campus Life departments and centers that typically do this work every day are still available to you. Reach out to us; you will undoubtedly have some of the best ideas ( As we move forward, we look forward to talking and collaborating more. 

Again, we appreciate your patience, and we know that this is hard. Reach out when you need support, and know that we are here to support you. Stay safe and well. 


Eric Estes, Vice President for Campus Life
Koren Bakkegard, Associate Vice President for Campus Life and Dean of Students