Graduate School

Master's Student Focus: Marlin Gutierrez, American Studies

Marlin is a third-generation Afro-Cuban raised in Michigan and New York. He received a master’s degree in Political Economics from Columbia University and his bachelor’s degree in International Affairs, Political Science and Latino Studies from the University of Michigan.

Marlin GutierrezI am always in awe of the architecture since arriving at Providence and Brown. My first months at Brown were spent acclimating myself to the culture of the campus and the local community. Having studied at large public and private institutions, the University of Michigan and Columbia, I appreciated the intimate setting of Brown. The ability to reach Brown faculty directly and build relationships with prominent scholars in specialized research was something I capitalized on from the beginning.

As a first-generation college graduate, obtaining an advanced degree seemed impossible. Admittedly, I wanted to challenge myself to prove that I could accomplish another milestone, despite the perceived challenges. I knew there would be subtle moments of doubt and uncertainty, but the commitment I made to myself far outweighed the demands of a rigorous program. Moreover, I understood that having a master's degree would deepen my education and strengthen my research pursuits. Furthermore, I recognized that earning an advanced degree established credibility and demonstrated dedication to my field of study.

I aspire to continue working as a global political advocate and a social justice activist. Presently, I am an intern at a think tank where I work on public policy initiatives and engage discourse on foreign affairs. I hope to attend law school in the future.