Graduate School

Maija Hallsmith, Program Assistant for Diversity Initiatives

Maija Hallsmith has joined the Graduate School in a new position to support diversity recruitment and retention programming. She assists with planning diversity-related events and partnering with other groups and offices on campus.

Maija HallsmithShe hopes to “play a role in making the graduate school experience as beneficial, useful and worthwhile as it can be.” While Maija has only been at Brown a few weeks, she is enjoying the position and being back in her hometown of Providence. 

Maija is a graduate of George Washington University where she earned her degree in International Affairs. She most recently served as a legal assistant at a law firm in Boston, MA that specialized in immigration services.

“I hope I can learn from my co-workers and the students I serve while I am adjusting to the new job and as I learn and grow in this position I hope to be a resource to all of those that have helped me,” she says.